Startap aktivnosti

ICT Hub u okviru projekta „Pravda za sve“ traži eksperte za sprovođenje aktivnosti: Razvoj i implementacija promotivne kampanje i startap angažovanja za program Inkubator - “Inovacije u Pravosuđu”

1. O projektu

USAID-ov projekat "Pravda za sve" je petogodišnja inicijativa osmišljena da pomogne Vladi Republike Srbije u rešavanju pravnih problema s kojima se suočavaju građani i olakša im pristup pravdi jačanjem pravosudnog sistema i njegovih aktera, uz ostvarivanje zagarantovane vladavine prava. Projekat "Pravda za sve" će osnažiti građane Srbije da bolje razumeju zakon i svoja prava, uspostavljajući partnerstvo između pravosudnih aktera i lokalnih zajednica radi razvoja inovativnih pristupa i rešenja za pravne probleme, čime će se unaprediti pravne usluge.

2. Pozadina

ICT Hub je implementacioni partner za komponente programa posvećene pravnim inovacijama.

Kao partner na projektu "Pravda za sve", ICT Hub je zadužen za aktivnosti koje se odnose na unapređenje dostupnosti pravnih usluga, uspostavljanje mreža za pravne inovacije i podršku razvoju digitalnih rešenja koja osnažuju građane.

U Srbiji, ugrožene grupe, kao što su osobe sa invaliditetom, žene i žrtve rodno zasnovanog nasilja, nisu dovoljno upoznate sa pravima koja imaju niti sa pravnim sistemom i dostupnim mehanizmima. Zbog nesigurnosti i nedostatka informacija, njihov pristup pravdi je ograničen, a takođe ne koriste dovoljno besplatne usluge podrške.

Inkubator - “Inovacije u Pravosuđu” ima za cilj da podstakne startape u razvoju inovativnih rešenja za prevazilaženje prepreka u pristupu pravdi, naročito za osetljive grupe poput osoba sa invaliditetom, žena i žrtava rodno zasnovanog nasilja. Program će startapima pružiti potrebnu podršku za prototipiranje, validaciju i skaliranje rešenja koja unapređuju svest o pravima, nude usluge podrške i povećavaju pristup pravdi.

3. Obim posla

Ovaj zahtev za ponudu (RFP) ima za cilj pronalaženje pružaoca usluga za razvoj i implementaciju promotivne kampanje i uključivanje startapa u program Inkubatora”Inovacije u Pravosuđu”, koji će podržavati startape posvećene pravnim inovacijama. Program treba da podstakne rast startapa usmerenih na razvoj alata i rešenja za izazove u pristupu pravdi u Srbiji.

3.1 Cilj aktivnosti :
Dizajnirati i implementirati ciljanu promotivnu kampanju za Inkubator pravde, obezbeđujući široku vidljivost, efikasan domet potencijalnih učesnika i strukturisanu podršku za proces selekcije startapa. To uključuje planiranje i sprovođenje promotivnih aktivnosti kako bi se maksimizovalo angažovanje pre i tokom trajanja programa.

3.2 Opis aktivnosti:

  1. Strategija kampanje i poruke:

    • Razvoj sveobuhvatne strategije kampanje usmerene na misiju Inkubatora i njegovu privlačnost za startape i zainteresovane strane.

    • Kreiranje ključnih poruka prilagođenih različitim ciljnim grupama, naglašavajući benefite učešća u inkubatoru, dostupne resurse i uticaj na pravne inovacije.

  2. Promotivne aktivnosti i vremenski okvir:

    • Kreiranje detaljnog vremenskog plana kampanje, sa aktivnostima pre, tokom i nakon perioda prijavljivanja.

    • Dizajn promocije kroz online oglašavanje, email komunikaciju, kampanje na društvenim mrežama.

  3. Dostizanje ciljnih startapa:

    • Razvoj baze podataka potencijalnih kandidata i relevantnih mreža, organizacije za pravne reforme i startap akceleratore.

    • Sprovođenje direktnog pristupa putem ciljanih emailova, poziva i personalizovanih pozivnica kako bi se podstakli kandidati s visokim potencijalom da se prijave.

    • Uspostavljanje partnerstava sa univerzitetima, centrima za inovacije i industrijskim udruženjima kako bi se promovisao inkubator i proširio domet.

    • 4. Podrška pri selekciji i evaluaciji startapa:
    • Saradnja na definisanju jasnih kriterijuma za selekciju i metrika za evaluaciju kandidata kako bi se osigurala usklađenost sa ciljevima inkubatora.

    • Razvoj strukturisanog procesa prijavljivanja i selekcije, uključujući alate za procenu i šablone za evaluaciju.

4. Vremenski okvir i ključni datumi:

  • Rok za dostavljanje ponuda: 15. novembar 2024.

  • Izabrani stručnjaci će biti obavešteni do 19. novembra 2024. 

  • Kampanja i pripreme traju od 22. novembra 2024. do kraja januara 2025.

  • Program Inkubatora će se odvijati od februara do aprila 2025.

5. Resursi:

Aktivnosti će se realizovati u saradnji i koordinaciji sa stručnjacima ICT Huba.

6. Uslovi za prijavu:

ICT Hub će izabrati ponudu sa najboljim odnosom cene i kvaliteta, uzimajući u obzir stručnost podnosioca koja odgovara zahtevima konkursa.

Za prijavu je potrebno dostaviti:

  • CV vodećeg stručnjaka uključenog u projekat, zajedno sa portfoliom koji pokazuje relevantno iskustvo.

  • Finansijsku ponudu za opisanu uslugu.

Molimo vas da ponude i sva pitanja pošaljete na email:

Više informacija o javnom pozivu i drugim zahtevima pronađite u dokumentu u prilogu. 


1. About the Project

The USAID "Justice for All" project is a five-year initiative designed to assist the Government of the Republic of Serbia in addressing legal issues faced by citizens and facilitating their access to justice through strengthening the judicial system and its stakeholders, and achieving the guaranteed rule of law. The "Justice for All" project will empower Serbian citizens to understand better and utilize law and their rights by establishing a partnership between judicial actors and local communities to develop innovative approaches and solutions to legal problems, thereby improving legal services.

2. Background

ICT Hub is an implementation partner for components of the program dedicated to justice innovation. 

As a partner on the "Justice for All" project, ICT Hub is tasked with activities related to improving the accessibility of legal services, establishing networks for justice innovation, and support the  development of digital solutions that empower citizens. 

In Serbia, vulnerable groups such as persons with disabilities, women and victims of gender-based violence are not familiar with the rights they have and do not know enough about the legal system and the mechanisms available to them. Due to insecurity and lack of information, their access to justice is limited, and they also underutilize free support services. 

The Justice Innovation Incubator aims to nurture startups developing innovative solutions to address barriers in accessing justice, particularly for vulnerable groups such as persons with disabilities, women, and victims of gender-based violence. The program will provide startups with the necessary support to prototype, validate, and scale solutions that improve awareness of legal rights, offer support services, and increase access to justice.

3. Scope of Work

The Request for Proposal (RFP) is intended to find a service provider to develop and implement Promotional Campaign and Startup Engagement for Justice Innovation Incubator program, which will incubate startups working on justice-related innovation. The program should foster the growth of startups focused on building tools and solutions to address access-to-justice challenges in Serbia.

3.2 Activity Objective

To design and implement a targeted promotional campaign for the Justice Incubator, ensuring broad visibility, effective outreach to potential participants, and structured support for the startup selection process. This includes planning and executing promotional activities to maximize engagement before and throughout the incubator program.

3.3 Activity Description

Campaign Strategy and Messaging

  • Develop an overarching campaign strategy, focusing on the mission of the Justice Incubator and its appeal to justice-focused startups and stakeholders.

  • Craft key messages tailored to different audiences, highlighting the benefits of participating in the incubator, the resources available, and the impact on justice innovation.

Promotional Activities and Timeline

  • Create a detailed timeline for the promotional campaign, specifying activities before, during, and after the application period.

  • Design a mix of promotional activities, including online advertising, email outreach, social media campaigns, virtual events, and partnerships with industry organizations.

Outreach to Targeted Startups

  • Develop a database of potential startup candidates and relevant networks, including legal tech hubs, justice reform organizations, and startup accelerators.

  • Conduct direct outreach via targeted emails, calls, and personalized invitations to encourage high-potential candidates to apply.

  • Establish partnerships with ecosystem players such as universities, innovation centers, and industry associations to promote the incubator and reach a broader audience.

Startup Selection and Evaluation Support

  • Collaborate in defining clear selection criteria and metrics for evaluating applicants to ensure alignment with the incubator’s goals.

  • Assist in developing a structured application and screening process, including assessment tools and evaluation templates.

4. Timeline and Milestones
  • Submit your offers by November 15th 

  • Selected experts informed by November 19th

  • Campaign and preparation activites will run from November 22, 2024, until end of January 2025.

  • The Incubator program will take place from February to April 2025.

5. Resources:

The activites will be organized in cooperation and coordination with experts from ICT Hub. 

6. Submission requirements

ICT Hub will select the proposal with the best price-to-quality ratio and the applicant's expertise, which should align with the call's requirements.

To apply for the role of an Ideathon organizer, please submit your offer with the following information:

  • Send us the CV of the leading expert engaged in the project, along with a portfolio demonstrating previous experiences.

  • An offer including the price for the service as described in the public request for proposal

The deadline for submitting proposals is November 15th, 2024

Please send your offers and any questions to the following email address:

Please refer to the attached "Request for Proposal" document for additional information.