
Corporate Digital Responsibility in Europe (CDR Europe)

ICT Hub has joined the "CDR Europe" project with the aim of improving the implementation of regional development policies that support the application of Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Through interregional exchange and cooperation among key stakeholders, the project will explore how public policies can better support SMEs, from traditional to high-tech companies, in their efforts to become more digitally responsible, competitive, and sustainable.

The main goals of the project are to strengthen SMEs' capacity for digitally responsible business through the support of regional policies, improve their socio-ecological sustainability through the responsible use of digital technologies, and create models of cooperation and exchange of experiences between regional political actors and businesses.

Key project activities:
  • Public communication campaigns on CDR aspects;
  • Training for IT professionals, researchers, and other company employees;
  • Consultancy programs for designing, developing, and implementing CDR policies in companies;
  • Financial schemes to support responsible production and application of digital technologies;
  • Support for networking and cooperation on all aspects related to CDR.

ICT Hub is involved in the "CDR Europe" project as a discovery partner, with the aim of learning about the interregional exchange of experiences within Interreg Europe.

Through our role, ICT Hub seeks to enhance the regional innovation ecosystem and support SMEs in adopting practices that will make them leaders in digital responsibility.

Project Partners

Arezzo Innovazione (Italy) [leader]; Region of Tuscany (Italy); Region of Southern Ostrobothnia (Finland); Ministry of Economy (Hungary); Executive Agency for Higher Education and RDI (Romania); Catalan Cybersecurity Agency (Spain); Cork County (Ireland); Cap Digital (France); Paris Région (France); Romanian Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalisation (Romania); Ministry of Economic Development (ME)

What is Interreg Europe?

Interreg is a key instrument of the European Union (EU) that strengthens cooperation between regions and countries within the EU. Interreg is a European program that promotes cooperation between European regions and the development of joint solutions in urban, rural, and coastal development, economic development, and environmental management.

Key information:

Donor: European Union, Interreg Europe
Duration: 01/03/2023 – 31/05/2027
Partners: Arezzo Innovazione (Italy)